
Need Food?

Join us for Monday-Sunday for Breakfast and Lunch


Need Food?

Join us for Monday-Sunday for Breakfast and Lunch

Are You Hungry?

We understand that no woman, child or man can be their best if they are hungry. Food and Shelter offers breakfast and lunch to anyone, and we mean anyone, who is hungry. Seven days per week, hundreds of people come to our dining room to eat. When supplies allow, we can also assist with food boxes for families who are unable to buy groceries themselves.

Join us at 201 Reed Ave Norman, OK 73071 Monday through Sunday for breakfast at 8:30 a.m.

Lunch is served at 11:00 a.m. No reservation necessary.

If you need assistance with food to cook at home, please click the link for The Share Center to learn more about our shopping hours.

If you have other needs not listed here, give us a call at 405.360.4954. Please do not email a request for assistance, contact us by phone. 


Need Shelter?

Come by Food and Shelter to Talk to Someone About Emergency Shelter Options


Need Shelter?

Come by Food and Shelter to Talk to Someone About Emergency Shelter Options

Are You Homeless?

In an emergency

There is no greater crisis than finding yourself without a place for you and your children to sleep.  If you are in a situation where you have no place to go tonight, come by Food and Shelter to talk to someone about emergency shelter options. 

Our case managers are available Monday through Friday at 201 Reed Ave Norman, OK 73071 for assistance or by calling 405.360.4954.  Please do not email a request for assistance, contact us by phone. 

Resource List- Click here to download our 2019 Community Resource List

Long Term Planning

Food and Shelter operates a 32 unit shelter program for long-term supportive living.  These units are specifically for families with minor children.  Families who qualify can stay up to 2 years with the assistance and support of a case manager who will develop an individualized plan for services.

There is no cost to residents.  We consider the work each family is doing to better themselves as their rent payment.

If you are interested in applying for Food and Shelter’s housing program, please come by and complete our housing application.

Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing

Most Oklahomans are one paycheck, one disaster, one crisis away from homelessness.  Food and Shelter, through partnership with Norman Mission Ministries and United Way, assists families who are on the brink of homelessness or have recently been homeless with one-time rent and utility assistance.  Funding for these services are very limited.  To learn how to qualify, call Food and Shelter at 405.360.4954.  Please do not email a request for assistance, contact us by phone. 

Day Shelter

Unfortunately,Cleveland County is home to many women, children and men who live on the streets, in their cars or in camp-sites around town.  For those individuals and families we offer a day shelter complete with bathrooms, showers, laundry facilities, television, books, music and games.  We provide extensive case management services to this group so living on the street is no longer their only option.

Every Friday in our day shelter is movie day.  We coordinate holiday meals and special events to help our friends feel at home.  We operate a mail service so the homeless can have a stable address and phone number.  This is incredibly important for individuals applying for and receiving benefits from the state or those looking for housing and employment.

Our free-store is open on Tuesdays in the day shelter.  This store is available to the homeless or extremely indigent to have access to personal care items, toilet paper, diapers, blankets and pillows, coats, pet food and more.  These items are only available as donations allow so we cannot guarantee items will be in stock from week to week.  No appointment is necessary to take part in the free store.

Our day shelter is open 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  We often expand these hours during extreme weather months.





Meal Service

Because meals and nutrition are critical to the fight against any virus, we are dedicated to ensure our neighbors in need have access to meals. For most of our guests, Food and Shelter is their only option for meals.

We have resumed in person meals. Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. and lunch at 11 a.m. Guests who cannot come inside to pick up their meal may call our office and a bag of meals can be brought outside to the car. Call (405) 360-4954 for more information.

We are currently limiting volunteers coming into the building and are no longer allowing people to just show up and serve. Please check out our list below for ways you can help.

Food pantry

Our food pantry is open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Guests to the pantry can enter the building a few at a time and will complete a check list of personal choices. Then guests will go back to their car and pantry workers will bring the food outside. We are taking sanitation very seriously so we are wiping down every pencil, every seat and every surface between service. If you are a high risk individual and need food brought out to you, we can bring the paperwork out to you and you can stay in your car. Call (405) 360-4954 when you arrive.

As with all services, we are limiting volunteers to pre-approved pantry volunteers and no longer allowing people to show up and serve. Please check out our ways to help section below.


Ways to Help

We are so grateful for the outpouring of support the community has shown us. We know you all want to help. To protect our community, we must limit the number of people entering our building so volunteers may not be allowed at this time.

Please check out this list below and share it far and wide. We also need cleaning supplies to share with cottage residents and pantry guests. Additionally we will continue to need to-go containers, plastic ware and plastic/foam cups for coffee.

Please consider making a financial donation. We are purchasing quite a bit more food and supplies for to-go trays. www.foodandshelterinc.org/donate

Protecting People who are homeless.

Being homeless is a destructive predicament even without this virus. Social distancing is difficult as they have only a few places they can go. We are offering our guests a chance to come inside a few at a time and shower.

Guests who are homeless can come into the office and access personal care items, check their mail and also ask for additional community resources.

When available, we are offering coins to go off-site and do laundry.

We are asking our friends who are homeless to please only come to Food and Shelter and their sleep site as consist travel throughout the community will contribute to community spread.

We know this is not easy on any of us but please be understanding especially for those without a home.

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